Thursday, August 27, 2015

Gossip Is Enormously Destructive

Quoted from Zig Ziglar:

We frequently hear little jokes about gossip, like the two people who were talking and one said, "I can't tell you any more. I've already told you more than I heard" In that line is much of the tragedy of gossip, which can, and often has, destroyed a person's reputation. Gossip always damages relationships, specifically with the person you are gossiping about. For example, once you have said something unkind about a person, you will feel uncomfortable around them and your relationship with them will suffer.

Dr Adrian Rogers wisely points out that before we disseminate information that might be considered gossip, we must carefully ponder three questions:
1) Is it truth? If it fails the first test, then it is not repeatable.
2) Even if it is truth, do you need to share it? Will it help anyone? Will it hurt anyone? Would it be better left unsaid? If there are no benefits to anyone, then what possible purpose could repeating it serve? 
3) Is it kind? In our world so full of cynicism and skepticism, will repeating this story be kind? Would it better left unsaid? Would you really be better off repeating this information? 
When you analyse it this way, your chances of being a gossiper are dramatically reduced.

When you consider the benefits of stopping gossip in it tracks, you'll discover they're substantial.
First, you do not damage yourself, which means that your reputation and esteem are untarnished. That's good.
Second, you won't harm someone else's reputation. This means that you circle of friends will be larger. Since most of us do not have any friends we would like to lose, that's good.


Do not do unto others what you don't want others to do to you.
Setting a good role model for our children. Gossip not only will hurt you, it may hurt your family. Your children may also learn from you.
Stop it before it grows too big beyond control.