Something we need to take note. Teaching quality and expecting it are two different tasks. I would like to emphasize again.
It's one thing to set the expectation, but following through is another matter. Try to be consistent and pay attention, even though it takes more time to do so. If you teach your child now that you are serious about your expectation, their future employers, spouse, and peers will have to thank you.
My children Taekwondo coach taught them that they need to respect their parents and each time before they sleep and after they woke up, they should bow down to their parents to greet them goodnight and good morning. I can proudly say that the coach has taught them well, and they are still doing it every morning and night.
It's much easier to do mediocre or poor work. It's hard to do a quality job. But taking the easy way out does nothing to improve our lives. Why should we expect quality from our children? What do you think?
Because it's the quest for improvement that will better their quality of life.
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